Detail view for swissprot protein METK_DROME and isoform P40320-4
Template: 1qm4
Sequence Identity (Template - Swissprot): 0.73913044
Coverage of swissprot protein: 0.9019608
Varsplic events:
VSP_005963 REPLACE 112-141 FKTCNVLLALDQQSPEIAAGVHVNRAEEEI => WKTLNLLVAIEQQSPNIANGVHINREEEDV, affected aminoacids in template: 85-102 Color: Green
VSP_005961 REMOVE 1-27, affected aminoacids in template: 0-0 Color: Red
VSP_005962 REPLACE 28-41 TFLFTSESVGEGHP => MISAECHSEEYTPN, affected aminoacids in template: 1-14 Color: Green