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Save the data of genes, transcripts and swissprot entries
You can download the data of genes, transcripts or swissprot entries.
The data will be saved in a text file. To understand the different file formats pease look at the descriptions.
How to save data
It is possible to save the data of one gene, transcript or swissprot entry. On the details panel of gene, transcript or swissprot entry there is a button "Save Data" at the left buttom of the page.
Click on this button and there will open a dialog to save ore open this file.
You can also download a set of data. On the search result pannel exists the button "Save Data". A click on this button will
open a new panel with the same list of genes, transcripts or swissprot entries off your search result. Here you can select the data you want to save and press the button "Save Data".
The selected data will be saved in one file, which has the same file format like single download. The different data sets are seperated by "> " and the identifier (ensemble gene id, ensembl transcript id or swissprot entry name).
The file format
The data are saved in a text file. Every line begins with a two letter code telling whats the data below up to.
The text file is completely tab seperated.
Format of the gene data:
ID ProSAS gene id
EN ensembl gene name
AN alternative gene names, seperated by blank|blank
DE description of protein translated from the gene
OR organism
CN chromosom
ST strand
LO genestart and genestop, seperated by "-"
EX number of exons
E1 data of the first exon: the ensemble exon name, coding start"-"coding stop, genomic start"-"genomic stop, coding phase, coding sequence
E2 data of the second exon: " "
TR number of transcripts
T1 data of the first transcript: the transcript name, transcript type, the order of exons in this transcript (with the numbering from above)
T2 data of the second transcript: " "
AF number of affymetrix features
A1 data of the first affymetrix feature: the id of the probeset, quality, probe count, the exon (with the numbering from above)
Format of the transcript data:
ID ProSAS transcript id
SP swissprot ids
UP uniprot ids
GE gene name
CN chromosom
OR organism
TY type
SE sequence
EX number of exons
E1 data of the first exon: the ensemble exon name, coding start"-"coding stop, genomic start"-"genomic stop, coding phase, coding sequence
E2 data of the second exon: " "
AL alignment pdb id, evalue, identity, coverage, start"-"stop
TE template of the alignment
TR target of the alignment
AL there could be more alignments. they all have the same data format
TE template of the alignment 2
TR target of the alignment 2
Format of the swissprot entry data:
SP swissprot id
PA primary accession number
GE gene name
OR organism
EN ensembl gene id
SE sequence
ID all additional ids
IS isoform id, sequence
EV the event to the isoform above: type of the event (Replace, Remove), from"-"to, the replaced sequence, the inserted sequence
EV there could be more events in one isoform. they all have the same data format
IS there could be more isoforms. they all have the same data format and new events
AL alignment pdb id, evalue, identity, coverage, start"-"stop
TE template of the alignment
TR target of the alignment
AL there could be more alignments, they have the same data format
TE template of the alignment 2
TR target of the alignment 2
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